Recording Booth Reservations

How to reserve the recording booth

Reserving the booth

There are two possibilities. (The first option is recommended, to avoid potential miscommunication.)

1. Getting a direct access to the Calendar (requires a Google account):

If you have a Google account of your own, please send an email to and say that you need an access to the calendar. The lab manager will send you an invitation.

After you accepted the invitation, you can view/add/modify appointments on the phonlab.frankfurt calendar. (This calendar will be added to your own Google Calendar, but you can choose to display/hide it.)

Important! In making a new reservation, please write down your name as the name of the appointment (so that other people can see who made the reservation).

2. Making reservations by sending an email:

If you do not have a Google account (and do not want to create one), you need to send an email to to book the time. Then the lab manager will add new appointments on the calendar for you.